Training in HCV & HCS

PT Hijau Daun is a Registered Trainer with HCVRN and HCSA.


With the increased complexity within HCV and the HCSA, PT Hijau Daun provides comprehensive benchmark training for our client’s ‘Sustainability Department employees’.

There is continous review and additions to the documentation created by the HCVN and the HCSA that assessors are required to fully understand and implement.

For our clients that have already undertaken HCV / HCS assessments – their ‘Sustainability Department employees’ will be required to implement the existing and any new HCV and HCSA requirements. 

For our clients that need to undertake HCV / HCS assessments there may be extensive community engagement that our clients may be required to conduct prior to commencing the assessment process.

Additionally, there will be on-going management and monitoring recommendations which have to be implemented in conjunction with the community. The Sustainability Department needs to understand the company’s obligations and how to implement these in practice.

PT Hijau Daun provides the training required by our clients’ sustainability departments in order that they have a full understanding of the process and the requirements of the HCV / HCS assessments.